March 26, 2024

Insights into the Static Out-of-Home (OOH) Industry

JPD Media unveils a future where static and digital converge in harmony, revolutionizing outdoor advertising through innovation.

Insights into the Static Out-of-Home (OOH) Industry

Hey there! Let’s dive into something fascinating that we've been exploring at JPD Media - the world of static out-of-home (OOH) advertising. Even though everyone’s buzzing about digital these days, static OOH hasn’t lost its charm. In fact, it still makes up a whopping 70% of all OOH spaces out there.

We got curious about how things are shaking up in the static OOH scene, so we rolled up our sleeves and conducted a survey. We wanted to get the lowdown on the challenges folks in the industry are facing, where they think improvements are needed, and their visions for the future. The outcome? Our freshly minted State of Static OOH report, packed with insights from over 125 pros from more than 60 companies worldwide. And yes, many of these companies are rocking a hybrid approach, blending static and digital ads.

Exciting Findings from the Report:

  • Static is Sticking Around: Despite our digital world, static OOH isn’t going anywhere. Over two-thirds of the media owners we chatted with are running hybrid networks and planning to digitize some of their static spots in the next couple of years. But, static billboards have a unique charm, offering long-lasting visibility and impactful placements.
  • Digitization Plans: Interestingly, 70% of networks planning to digitize aim to convert less than a quarter of their static inventory, with full digitization efforts expected to stretch over the next 2 to 5 years.
  • Efficiency is Key: In today’s fast-paced world, advertisers want quick, flexible, and innovative advertising solutions. Many static OOH owners are feeling the pressure of outdated processes slowing them down. About 53% believe these inefficiencies are a setback in the competitive race.
  • Technology to the Rescue: Good news is, technology is catching up, making it easier to manage static campaigns with modern tracking and automated workflows. Almost every media owner we surveyed is eager to automate more of their processes, and real-time asset management solutions are in high demand.
  • The Future Looks Bright (and Green): There’s a strong push towards sustainability in the OOH industry. A majority of networks are adopting greener practices, aiming for a more eco-friendly future.

So, if you're keen to get the full scoop on how static OOH is evolving and what the future holds, check out our full report. Static OOH is not just surviving in the digital age; it’s thriving, adapting, and getting ready for an exciting future.

JPG Media Hawaii

JPG Media Hawaii


Local signs, billboards, and wall advertising for Hawaii businesses.